Saturday, October 27, 2012

Through it all…!

Hello again,

It’s a beautiful day!

This week is the last time I will bore you with my experience in class. Today is actually about the lessons I learned so far for the duration of the class – twelve weeks.
Meeting target - Microsoft pic
First thing first, I must be proud of myself for being able to regurgitate all I learned for the duration of the degree without a textbook. In addition, the simple fact that I made it to the end is worth celebrating.

I have actually learned a lot throughout the twelve week period, and I will share them, so you can help me celebrate this feat.

  • Although I hadn’t used MS Visio at any time I was able to do my assignment; I have just added one more feather to my cap.

  • I was able to blog weekly and tailored content to fit a variety of audience. It was not focused on a particular audience.

  • I am now able to map out a home network, and can improve on this to capture a bigger network.

  • I like that the assignments were given in bits; it made me to grasp understanding quickly and enable me have hands on experience on asset identification, threat and vulnerability analysis, and action plan in mitigating threats.

Most importantly, while focusing on meeting deadline on assignments each week, I maintained professionalism and quality of presentation.

I am just wondering that, if I looked at the H&M case study again in the future, would I be able to map out the network as-is in MS Visio? We’ll see!

I actually wished we were given an example of an action plan because I relied on Google for direction instead of a sample action plan from my Professor. Right now, I am not sure I was right on the sample action plan posted on my blog page last week.

One major setback though, was not being able to learn from various students like I used to in other classes. But, all the same, I should be counting my blessings, not my setbacks.

Thanks to the Professor who took me in, without his thoughtfulness, I do not think I would be graduating now. I enjoyed the class, and look forward to achieving my next goal which is becoming a seasoned Business/Systems Analyst.
Thank you for your time, and keep on keeping on, it is always going to get better. J

Au revoir! Meaning, bye.

Action Plan for your system threats!

Hey folks,
This was a long time coming! How was Halloween celebration? I hope you had fun!
This week my assignment is to work on an Action plan for threats and vulnerabilities to my wireless network system.
I am not sure what action plan means, but after Google-searching, I am assuming it means mitigation plan, like predicting threat as I have done last week, planning the procedure for mitigation, and performing the procedure when it occurs; all written on a tablet of stone. J
Well, since I have already written the list of threat and vulnerability, my duty is to write a plan and procedure for mitigating those threats. In other words, threat and vulnerability management which answers the question, Who? What? What? When? How? is required.
An action plan for fire as a threat will look like something of this sort.
This action plan can be applied to every one threat and vulnerability out there.
The most difficult part of this assignment is searching for a sample action plan.
It is hoped that someone caught an idea of how to secure their systems from all vulnerability possible, by creating a step by step plan on how to mitigate threat.
Don’t be afraid to put forward your idea of an action plan; I will publish it, if you do.
Till I come your way again next week, be good.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Think information security!

Hey guys!
How has your day been? Mine is going well, hopefully.
Well, a little surprise for ya! We have to free-style this week. Remember, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
Information Security - Microsoft pic

How secured is your information on your computer?  Are your data encrypted? Does your system have a password? Or maybe, just maybe, your computer is open all day for use by every dick and harry.
If someone told you they need to use your computer very quickly, what would be your response? Would you just grant them express access?
If I was faced with this question some two years back, I would probably have said, “Why not, right away” but considering the amount of sensitive and classified information stored in my machine, I would pose some questions to them.
One of the questions would be, “what do you want to do?” “Can I help you do it?” Otherwise, I would quickly drive this friend to a business center or a school’s computer center to get his/her assignment or work done.
I actually, rather have a friend drive my car to someplace else for help, than use my machine. It is great to trust people, but when it comes to usage of my machine I throw trust out the window because;
1.      I do not know my friends internet usage culture, that is, if they have any at caution all.
2.      Despite the fact that the person is my friend, I don’t know the kind of message they may be transmitting which may be implicating or genuine.
3.      What is the probability that the odds will be to my favor.
A computer to me is like my wife. I married my wife for me, and for me alone. My friend is not going to share my wife with me. Correct? So, why allow third parties use your machine. Be information security wise, otherwise you are in for a rough ride.
I hope you had fun answering the questions I posed? It is for your good and mine.
Till I set my eyes on you next week. Think information security!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One thing i did not enjoy!

Hello pals,

By now you must have noticed I like asking questions. Expect it J And, I hope you did something you love this past week?

I am simultaneously in an online class and an in-class class right now, and this week assignment is about my observation about fellow students in the in-class class.
Well, let me give you a hint. I actually love online education more than an in-class education. At least in my opinion, online education gives students the opportunity to express themselves freely by contributing to the class, and at the same time respond to other students’ post, without fear, being shy or feeling unintelligent afterwards.

Not that I am saying an in-class education does not do the same, but all things being equal, online classes normally have more students more than an in-class class, so, everyone gleans something from the other students because there are always variety of perspective to a question or assignment based on the students exposure or experience in life. And this is not common in an in-class class.

In the in-class class I am in, we are just three students. This is so because we were given a special class as a result of unavailability of a course we were supposed to take. You have no other option but to take this class. 

I could not glean a lot like I would in a normal online class of about 26 students, where each student is participating and you are learning from all 26 students. These students do not communicate like I am used to seeing on the class board.

Sincerely, I wish I could glean more from the other two students in the class. No hard feelings though, I completely understand personalities differ. So, I hold no grudge. Just expressing the fact that I wish students were more in this class.

Let me know your experience with an in-class and online class, and I will publish it in my next blog.

Until I see you next week, stay blessed.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do what you enjoy…!

Hello folks,
Have you ever done what you enjoyed so much so that you forgot to eat? Was this experience weird or Normal?
Well, I would say normal. When you do what you love, it gives you a great feeling, and some sorts of fulfillment, which immediately propels you to a place that makes you to want for nothing. If you haven’t experienced this, its time. Try doing what you love, as opposed to loving what you do.

Doing what you enjoy - Microsoft pic.
Now, back to the point, I really enjoyed mapping my home wireless network on Visio, and I was also able to put together list of threats and vulnerabilities that could affect my network; it was fun.
Do you know why I enjoyed doing this assignment? It’s because I loved it. And, I loved it not only because I loved drawing or designing naturally, but because the assignment was simpler than the H&M network assignment.

I mapped out my home wireless network and searched for threats and vulnerabilities to my network with all pleasure.
This can be likened to real life experience where, if you naturally do not love doing something and you indulge, you will get frustrated, and quit.

So, do not forget to always do what you love or enjoy, as opposed to loving or enjoying what you do.
I hope you get the difference between the two.
Until next week, remain calm and collect.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Capturing my home network on MS Visio

Hi Folks!
I am doing okay! How about you?
Remember, in one of my blogs this month, precisely August 28, 2012 I shared with you list of authentic or valid internet site to shop for information security news. This week, I will be adding to that list because I discovered more. But first, I have to conclude with you on how I was able to capture my wireless network diagram on Microsoft Visio before I share that information.
I launched Microsoft Visio and clicked on CREATE on the right hand pane of the screen. Next, I click on more shapes-network- Network and Peripherals (US units) button on the left hand pane, and started using the tools there to start my diagram. The Network and Peripherals (US units) are symbols used to represent a simple network diagram. So, I picked on two laptop symbol, one mobile phone symbol, one printer symbol, one scanner symbol, one wired phone symbol, one router symbol, one hub/switch symbol, one wireless symbols, and two wireless connection signal symbols, but I could not find Ethernet. So, I typed “Ethernet” on the search screen and it brought all kinds of diagrams that represented an Ethernet and I chose one.
I placed all diagrams in the exact position I wanted them one after another, by just picking and dropping them on the Microsoft Visio create sheet. Next, I started connecting the points I wanted, when I finished I added a background picture, in the end it was a beautiful piece. If you love to have a sneak peek of the diagram: It’s here:

Now, back to the reason for today’s blog, which is, more authentic site revealed. In the event you still intend to see more information security news, find more on the sites I found below. These sites are as authentic as the ones I showed to you four weeks ago.  

I hope I did not bore you today. Till next week when I come your way again.
Be strong and courageous!

Monday, September 24, 2012

How i got through H&M's nightmare!

Hi there!

Have you ever woken up lighter than usual? Yes! How was the experience? Beautiful, I guess.

That was my experience. With regards to assignments this week, I woke up lighter today for the very first time since I had the H&M (Harry and Mae) assignment. I woke up like a lion ready to devour because I was armed with the hope of getting my assignment done swiftly.
Beautiful - Microsoft pic
If you remember quite vividly, I told you about how the H&M assignment gave me a hard-knock-life, but it was made easier eventually. I actually told you about that last two weeks, but I did not provide details of how it was made easy.

This time, I was told by my Professor to capture my home network instead of Harry and Mae’s network, which was complicated. I breathed a sigh of relief.

When I got home, I sat down, tried to take note of the steps to getting my diagram drawn. First step was, I made a list of the entire computer gadget connected to my home network, which was about six (6); two laptops, a mobile phone, a wireless printer, a wired scanner, and a wired home phone (Magic Jack) - I know! “Magic Jack is a cheap telephone that works with internet connection” - save that for another day. J Next, I made a list of the components that are assembled which brings to life wireless internet connection, which was about three (3); a router, a hub/switch and Ethernet. Finally, this led me to the diagram phase.

Now, I have to stop here because it’s getting late, and I just closed from my third job, if you would please pardon me, I will need to eat and rest, so I will have enough energy to write you on my experience with capturing my home wireless network on Microsoft Visio.

Shee-e-e...secret, I work three menial jobs. Till I see you next, week. It was beautiful updating you on my experience this session. Stay healthy folks!